Friday, 28 October 2016

digital footprint challenge

  • Make sure you're posts are positive
  • Think before you post - everyone can see it
  • Negative posts can discourage future employes

Oral launguage challenge

I think that she has used effective oral language because she was always looking up and was not unsure of what to do. She was adaptable when she was adapting to the different accents she had to do. It was obvious she knew what to do and had spent a long time practising and making sure the accents were correct. I liked the way she had the name of the accent at the top of the page.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016


I think that refugees don't get enough funding and support because people think they are horrid people but they are just innocent boys and girls just like you or me. 

Facts on refugees:
  • 438 refugees traveled on a boat that was only meant to carry 70 people.
  • The boat was wooden.
  • The people on board were given absolute minimal food.
  • Refugee camps are in poor condition with lots more people then expected to come.
Image result for refugee camps

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Tekapo Camp

This is the pic collage that I made for our school camp in Tekapo


Wednesday, 27 July 2016

First - Aid

On Tuesday Paula from St John came into school to teach us about some basic first aid that could save someone's life. We learnt a simple phrase to help us remember what to do. DRSABC stands for:

Send for help

We also learnt how to control severe bleeding. to control severe bleeding get a non fluffy pressure pad and apply pressure then you need to get a bandage and wrap it around the pressure pad. then you need to elevate it. In this picture you can see me wrapping a bandage around Lucy's arm.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Book Sell

This is a book sell for the book ' Life as we knew it' I think it is a really good book because it keeps you wondering and you don't want to put the book down. Here is the blurb, No shops. No TV. No electricity. No daylight. No idea if your family is alive or dead... Could you survive? an asteroid will hit the moon at 9:30 this evening. The astronamers say there's nothing to worry about what if they are wrong? I would reccommend it for 11-111 year olds, it is that good!

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Mouse My Horse

This is my horse Mouse. She is a beautiful chestnut mare. In this photo you can see me riding mouse at a horse riding clinic in Geraldine we had so much fun. I stayed in Geraldine with my Dad for one night. after lessons were done Nadia, Dad and I went down with the horses to swim in the river.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

My Goats

Peacefully sleeping in the warm snugly hay,
Cuddled up to my buddy goat, all day.
Jumping and leaping all over the land 
the entrance they make is really quite grand.
Eating all of the roses in sight by the end they 
are fat now they won't take flight.
Wind howls, goats bleat the snow is pelting down
 the are scared but luckily I'm there to keep them safe and sound.
They are puft and tired from a long day then back down they go to sleep in the hay

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Wanaka Rodeo

On the 12th of march I rode my horse Wrangler in the junior barrel race. In this photo you can see us going around the first barrel. I got my first check for 4th place.


At Christmas time I learnt how to waterski. It was really fun but the skis were a bit big for me!

Friday, 12 February 2016


Tall, talkative, tough, terrific

Daughter of Chris and Deanna, sister of Tegan

Lover of horses, all goats, and chocolate

Owner of three gorgeous goats, a brand new bike and two perfect ponies.

Who admires the Wilson sisters, my Dad and Mum

Who does barrel racing, horse riding, netball and biking

Who would like to visit Italy, Canada and Fiji

Who has been to Samoa, Australia, and Auckland

Who was born in Christchurch, and lives in Springston

Who loves the phrase: “nothing is impossible the word itself says, i’m possible”
