Suffering from eating too much sugar?
Why not try Maylee's desugartizer spray?
No more crazy sugar highs. Maylees desugartizer spray is guaranteed to keep the sickness away.
Maylees desugartizer spray Contains nerve artificial additives in as available in a wide selection of flavors including brussel sprouts and mustard or dog poo jam. Simply spray on your food and have no more sugar a fatness.
Clinical tests have shown that Maylees desugartizer works like a charm and better than any other brand of sugar spray.
Mrs Chubby Tubby from popcorn palace Candyland writes into say “this desugartizer works amazingly since using it I have never felt lighter! It really helps on those days when you can't get out of bed because of dessert.
Call us NOW on 0800 Sugar for a free 7 day trial we are sure that you won’t be disappointed!
By Maya and Kaylee